Model interpretation
function: scorecardbundle.model_interpretation.ScorecardExplainer.important_features()
Identify features who contribute the most in pushing the total score above a threshold.
scored_df: pandas.DataFrame, shape (number of instances,number of features)
The dataframe that contains the both each feature's scores and total scores
feature_names: python list
The names of features
col_totalscore: python string
The name of the total score column. Default is 'TotalScore'
threshold_method: float in (0,1) or string 'bins' or integer in [1,number of features].
The method to get the thresholds to filter importance features. Default is 0.8
- When threshold_method is a float in interval (0,1), the thresholds will be calculated as the
threshold_method percentage of total scores.
- When threshold_method is a integer in [1,number of features]. Top n important features
will be returned.
- When threshold_method=='bins', the thresholds will be determined by predefined bins
(defined in `bins` parameter).
The largest bin value below the total score will be selected for each instance.
The method 'bins' is not recommended
bins: numpy.array, shape (number of bins,).
The predefined bins to bin the total score into intervals. This parameter is only used when
threshold_method=='bins'. Default is None.
ifeatures_list: python list.
A list of dictionaries of importance features with feature names as keys and scores as values.