

  • 与Scikit-Learn相似,Scorecard-Bundle有两种class,transformer和predictor,分别遵守fit-transform和fit-predict习惯;
  • 使用Scorecard-Bundle建模的完整示例展示Example Notebooks
  • 详细用法参见API Reference;
  • 注意Scorecard-Bundle中的特征区间均为左开右闭区间。


from scorecardbundle.feature_discretization import ChiMerge as cm
from scorecardbundle.feature_discretization import FeatureIntervalAdjustment as fia
from scorecardbundle.feature_encoding import WOE as woe
from scorecardbundle.feature_selection import FeatureSelection as fs
from scorecardbundle.model_training import LogisticRegressionScoreCard as lrsc
from scorecardbundle.model_evaluation import ModelEvaluation as me
from scorecardbundle.model_interpretation import ScorecardExplainer as mise


Scorecard-Bundle在特征离散化步骤采用ChiMerge算法(由Randy Kerber发表于"ChiMerge: Discretization of Numeric Attributes")。ChiMerge属于bottom-up的离散化算法,基于特征的分布和目标变量在特征不同取值的相对频率对相似的取值进行合并,最终得到统计上有显著差异的区间。离散化步骤将数值型特征离散化为序数型的区间、或将序数型特征的相似取值合并。分类型特征需先转化为序数型才能进行离散化(例如可以通过响应率排序为分类型特征编码)。


如下所示,可首先实例化一个ChiMerge实例,并用数据训练得到最终离散化区间。max_intervalsmin_intervals 参数控制输出区间的数量、decimal 参数控制区间阈值的小数位数。其他参数的介绍请见API Reference

trans_cm = cm.ChiMerge(max_intervals=10, min_intervals=2, decimal=3, output_dataframe=True)
result_cm = trans_cm.fit_transform(X, y) 
trans_cm.boundaries_ # see the interval boundaries for each feature


  • fit(): 训练。得到最终离散化区间。e.g. trans_cm.fit(X,y)
  • transform(): 基于学习到的离散化区间阈值,将特征原始值转化为离散化区间。e.g. trans_cm.transform(X)
  • fit_transform(): 训练并将原始值转化为离散化区间。e.g. trans_cm.fit_transform(X,y)



证据权重 (Weight of Evidence, WOE) 是目标变量的局部分布和全局分布的商的自然对数,反映了全局事件率与每个分组的局部事件率的差异,这意味着编码的数值与特征值对目标变量的区分能力呈线性关系,因此对特征进行WOE编码可以使回归模型更好的捕捉非线性的关联关系。

信息值 (Information value, IV) 在WOE编码的基础上进一步计算得到,是用于评估特征的区分能力的常用指标。IV值可在WOE_Encoder训练后可由属性iv_获取。

其他参数的介绍请见API Reference

trans_woe = woe.WOE_Encoder(output_dataframe=True)
result_woe = trans_woe.fit_transform(result_cm, y)
print(trans_woe.iv_) # information value (iv) for each feature
print(trans_woe.result_dict_) # woe dictionary and iv value for each feature

# IV result
res_iv = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(trans_woe.iv_, orient='index').sort_values(0,ascending=False).reset_index()
res_iv.columns = ['feature','IV']



  • 特征须具备基本的区分能力(e.g. IV>0.02);
  • 特征的分布不应过于不均衡(e.g. 特征值不应对应过少的样本);
  • 特征的响应率曲线通常为单调或二次方(U型),以便于人类理解模型表现出的关联关系;
  • 响应率曲线的趋势与特征取值分布的趋势应不一致。从统计角度上看,假设一个特征对于一个目标变量没有区分能力,样本规模较小的特征值比样本规模大的特征值更可能对应更低的响应率,这种现象在目标变量分布不均衡时尤为明显。因此当响应率曲线的取值与特征取值分布的趋势一致时,我们常常不能确定样本规模小的特征值具备较低响应率是因为该特征确实对目标变量有区分能力,还是响应率低仅仅是因为特征值覆盖的取值范围较小、不易匹配到数量较少的目标变量为正的样本;



使用plot_event_dist() 函数可以方便的将特征分布可视化,包括每个特征值的样本分布和响应率分布。

  col = 'housing_median_age'


基于上面的特征分布分析可确定新的特征分组阈值,使特征的分布更加理想。使用 assign_interval_str()函数可将用户自定义的阈值应用于特征原始值,得到离散化的特征分组。

new_x = cm.assign_interval_str(X[col].values,[24,36,45]) # apply new interval boundaries to the feature
woe.woe_vector(new_x, y.values) # check the information value of the resulted feature that applied the new intervals
({'-inf~24.0': -0.37674091199664517,
'24.0~36.0': -0.0006838162136153891,
'36.0~45.0': 0.16322806760041855,
'45.0~inf': 0.7012457415969229},


                  ,title=f'Feature distribution of {col}'
                  ,y_label='More valuable than Q90'
                 ,save=False # Set to True if want to save to local position
                 ,file_name=col # filename in the case saving to local position
                 ,table_vpos=-0.6 # The smaller the value is, the further down the table's pisition will be



result_cm[col] = new_x # Update with adjusted features
feature_list.append(col) # The list that records the selected features


trans_woe = woe.WOE_Encoder(output_dataframe=True)
result_woe = trans_woe.fit_transform(result_cm[feature_list], y) 
  Latitude HouseAge Population Longitude AveRooms
0 0.016924 0.163228 0.060771 -0.374600 -0.660410
1 0.016924 -0.376741 -0.231549 -0.374600 -0.660410
2 0.016924 0.163228 -0.231549 -0.374600 -0.660410
3 -0.438377 -0.000684 0.060771 0.402336 0.724149
4 0.016924 0.163228 -0.231549 -0.374600 -0.660410
  trans_woe.iv_ # the information value (iv) for each feature
{'Latitude': 0.08626935922214038,
 'HouseAge': 0.12215245735367213,
 'Population': 0.07217596403800937,
 'Longitude': 0.10616009747356592,
 'AveRooms': 0.7824038737089276}



  • 函数selection_with_iv_corr() 可将特征按IV降序排列,并识别与该特征高度相关的其他特征;
  • 函数identify_colinear_features()可识别高度相关的特征对,并输出每对特征中需要剔除的特征;
  • 函数 unstacked_corr_table()返回全部特征对,按相关程度倒序;


  fs.selection_with_iv_corr(trans_woe, result_woe) # corr_with 列示了与该特征相关性过高的特征和相关系数
  factor IV woe_dict corr_with
2 AveRooms 47.130083 {0.8461538461538461: -23.025850929940457, 1.0:… {‘MedInc': 0.886954762287924, ‘AveBedrms': 0.8…
5 AveOccup 45.534320 {1.0892678034102308: -23.025850929940457, 1.08… {‘MedInc': 0.8654189306421639, ‘AveRooms': 0.9…
0 MedInc 41.907477 {0.4999: -23.025850929940457, 0.536: -23.02585… {‘AveRooms': 0.886954762287924, ‘AveBedrms': 0…
3 AveBedrms 37.630560 {0.4444444444444444: -23.025850929940457, 0.5:… {‘MedInc': 0.7527641328927565, ‘AveRooms': 0.8…
4 Population 16.181549 {5.0: -23.025850929940457, 6.0: -23.0258509299… {}
7 Longitude 8.396207 {-124.35: -23.025850929940457, -124.27: -23.02… {}
6 Latitude 8.314223 {32.54: -23.025850929940457, 32.55: -23.025850… {}
1 HouseAge 0.236777 {1.0: -23.025850929940457, 2.0: 0.341285523686… {}
features_to_drop_auto,features_to_drop_manual,corr_auto,corr_manual = fs.identify_colinear_features(result_woe_raw,trans_woe_raw.iv_,threshold_corr=0.7)
print('The features with lower IVs in highly correlated pairs: ',features_to_drop_auto)
print('The features with equal IVs in highly correlated pairs: ',features_to_drop_manual)
corr_auto # highly correlated feature pairs (with unequal IVs)
  feature_a feature_b corr_coef iv_feature_a iv_feature_b to_drop
0 MedInc AveRooms 0.886955 41.907477 47.130083 MedInc
1 MedInc AveBedrms 0.752764 41.907477 37.630560 AveBedrms
2 MedInc AveOccup 0.865419 41.907477 45.534320 MedInc
3 AveRooms MedInc 0.886955 47.130083 41.907477 MedInc
4 AveRooms AveBedrms 0.827336 47.130083 37.630560 AveBedrms
5 AveRooms AveOccup 0.952849 47.130083 45.534320 AveOccup
6 AveBedrms MedInc 0.752764 37.630560 41.907477 AveBedrms
7 AveBedrms AveRooms 0.827336 37.630560 47.130083 AveBedrms
8 AveBedrms AveOccup 0.811198 37.630560 45.534320 AveBedrms
9 AveOccup MedInc 0.865419 45.534320 41.907477 MedInc
10 AveOccup AveRooms 0.952849 45.534320 47.130083 AveOccup
11 AveOccup AveBedrms 0.811198 45.534320 37.630560 AveBedrms
# Return the unstacked correlation table for all features to help analyze the colinearity problem
  feature_a feature_b corr_coef abs_corr_coef iv_feature_a iv_feature_b
12 Longitude latitude -0.464314 0.464314 0.106160 0.086269
2 latitude Longitude -0.464314 0.464314 0.086269 0.106160
5 HouseAge Population 0.258828 0.258828 0.122152 0.07217

基于以上分析,特征'MedInc', ‘AveBedrms', ‘AveOccup'被剔除。

feature_list = list(set(features)-set(['MedInc', 'AveBedrms', 'AveOccup']))



评分卡模型通过basePointsPDO两个参数控制评分的集中趋势和离散程度,默认可以取PDO=-20, basePoints=100PDO=-10, basePoints=60

  • base odds 为评分卡的基准比率(正样本与负样本的比),用户可通过baseOdds参数传入自定义的base odds(例如定义违约比正常为1:60),若用户不指定base odds, 将使用目标变量中y=1和y=0的数量的比;

  • PDO为基准比率(base odds)翻倍对应的分数,其绝对值与分数的离散程度呈正比。此外,PDO为负时,模型评分越大、目标变量为正(y=1)的概率越高,适用于大多数二元分类问题;PDO为正时,模型评分越大、目标变量为正(y=1)的概率越低,通常用于传统信贷场景(高评分代表低风险的优质样本);
  • basePoints为基准比率(base odds)对应的预期分值,决定了模型评分的集中趋势;

此外,LogisticRegressionScoreCard可接受sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression的任意参数、且其fit()函数可接受sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression的fit()函数的任意参数 (包括 sample_weight)。因此实践中可通过Grid Search等方法确认逻辑回归的最优参数,再传入LogisticRegressionScoreCard训练评分卡模型。


model = lrsc.LogisticRegressionScoreCard(trans_woe, PDO=-20, basePoints=100, verbose=True)
model.fit(result_woe, y)


# Users can use `baseOdds` parameter to set base odds. 
# Default is None, where base odds will be calculate using the number of positive class divided by the number of negative class in y
# Assuming Users want base odds to be 1:60 (positive:negative)
model = lrsc.LogisticRegressionScoreCard(trans_woe, PDO=-20, basePoints=100, baseOdds=1/60,
model.fit(result_woe, y)

模型训练完成后,可从woe_df属性获取评分规则,注意此处的特征区间均为左开右闭区间 (e.g. 34.0~37.6 代表(34.0, 37.6] )。

model.woe_df_ # the scorecard rules
  	feature: feature name;
  	value: feature intervals that are open to the left and closed to the right;
  	woe: the woe encoding for each feature interval;
  	beta: the regression coefficients for each feature in the Logistic regression;
  	score: the assigned score for each feature interval;
  feature value woe beta score
0 Latitude -inf~34.1 0.016924 1.907463 34.0
1 Latitude 34.1~34.47 0.514342 1.907463 61.0
2 Latitude 34.47~37.59 0.097523 1.907463 38.0
3 Latitude 37.59~inf -0.438377 1.907463 9.0
4 HouseAge -inf~24.0 -0.376741 1.640162 15.0
5 HouseAge 24.0~36.0 -0.000684 1.640162 33.0
6 HouseAge 36.0~45.0 0.163228 1.640162 40.0
7 HouseAge 45.0~inf 0.701246 1.640162 66.0
8 Population -inf~420.0 0.168914 0.464202 35.0
9 Population 1274.0~2812.0 -0.231549 0.464202 30.0
10 Population 2812.0~inf -0.616541 0.464202 24.0
11 Population 420.0~694.0 0.277570 0.464202 36.0
12 Population 694.0~877.0 0.354082 0.464202 37.0
13 Population 877.0~1274.0 0.060771 0.464202 34.0
14 Longitude -118.37~inf -0.374600 1.643439 15.0
15 Longitude -121.59~-118.37 0.056084 1.643439 35.0
16 Longitude -inf~-121.59 0.402336 1.643439 52.0
17 AveRooms -inf~5.96 -0.660410 1.124053 11.0
18 AveRooms 5.96~6.426 0.120843 1.124053 37.0
19 AveRooms 6.426~6.95 0.724149 1.124053 56.0
20 AveRooms 6.95~7.41 1.261640 1.124053 74.0




sc_table = model.woe_df_.copy()
sc_table['score'][(sc_table.feature=='AveRooms') & (sc_table.value=='7.41~inf')] = 91



result = model.predict(X[feature_list], load_scorecard=sc_table) # Scorecard should be applied on the original feature values
result_val = model.predict(X_val[feature_list], load_scorecard=sc_table) # Scorecard should be applied on the original feature values
result.head() # if model object's verbose parameter is set to False, predict will only return Total scores
  Latitude HouseAge Population Longitude AveRooms TotalScore
0 34.0 40.0 34.0 15.0 11.0 134.0
1 34.0 15.0 30.0 15.0 11.0 105.0
2 34.0 40.0 30.0 15.0 11.0 130.0
3 9.0 33.0 34.0 52.0 56.0 184.0
4 34.0 40.0 30.0 15.0 11.0 130.0


  # OR if we load rules from local position.
  sc_table = pd.read_excel('rules')
  model = lrsc.LogisticRegressionScoreCard(woe_transformer=None, verbose=True)
  result = model.predict(X[feature_list], load_scorecard=sc_table) # Scorecard should be applied on the original feature values
  result_val = model.predict(X_val[feature_list], load_scorecard=sc_table) # Scorecard should be applied on the original feature values
  result.head() # if model object's verbose parameter is set to False, predict will only return Total scores



  y_pred_group event_num sample_size cum_event_num cum_sample_size cum_sample_pct cum_precision cum_recal cum_f1
9 (192.0, inf] 337 794 337 794 0.096172 0.424433 0.408485 0.416306
8 (174.0, 192.0] 143 794 480 1588 0.192345 0.302267 0.581818 0.397845
7 (163.0, 174.0] 96 891 576 2479 0.300266 0.232352 0.698182 0.348668
6 (152.0, 163.0] 79 862 655 3341 0.404675 0.196049 0.793939 0.314450
5 (144.0, 152.0] 53 793 708 4134 0.500727 0.171263 0.858182 0.285541
4 (134.0, 144.0] 42 740 750 4874 0.590359 0.153878 0.909091 0.263204
3 (129.0, 134.0] 24 709 774 5583 0.676235 0.138635 0.938182 0.241573
2 (123.0, 129.0] 25 762 799 6345 0.768532 0.125926 0.968485 0.222873
1 (109.0, 123.0] 18 1053 817 7398 0.896076 0.110435 0.990303 0.198711
0 (-inf, 109.0] 8 858 825 8256 1.000000 0.099927 1.000000 0.181698


# Validation
evaluation = me.BinaryTargets(y_val, result_val['TotalScore'])



# Features that contribute 80%+ of total score
imp_fs = mise.important_features(result_val
                 ,threshold_method=0.8, bins=None)
result_val['important_features'] = imp_fs

# Features with top n highest score
imp_fs = mise.important_features(result_val
                 ,threshold_method=2, bins=None)
result_val['top2_features'] = imp_fs

# Define the prediction threshold based on classification performance
result_val['y_pred'] = result_val['TotalScore'].map(lambda x: 1 if x>152 else 0)
  Latitude HouseAge Population Longitude AveRooms TotalScore important_features top2_features y_pred
0 38.0 15.0 30.0 35.0 11.0 129.0 {‘Latitude': 38.0, ‘Longitude': 35.0, ‘Populat… {‘Latitude': 38.0, ‘Longitude': 35.0} 0
1 9.0 15.0 30.0 35.0 11.0 100.0 {‘Longitude': 35.0, ‘Population': 30.0} {‘Longitude': 35.0, ‘Population': 30.0} 0
2 9.0 15.0 34.0 52.0 11.0 121.0 {‘Longitude': 52.0, ‘Population': 34.0} {‘Longitude': 52.0, ‘Population': 34.0} 0
3 9.0 66.0 36.0 52.0 11.0 174.0 {‘HouseAge': 66.0, ‘Longitude': 52.0} {‘HouseAge': 66.0, ‘Longitude': 52.0} 1
4 34.0 15.0 37.0 15.0 91.0 192.0 {‘AveRooms': 91.0, ‘Population': 37.0} {‘AveRooms': 91.0, ‘Population': 37.0} 1
8251 34.0 33.0 37.0 15.0 37.0 156.0 {‘Population': 37.0, ‘AveRooms': 37.0, ‘Latitu… {‘Population': 37.0, ‘AveRooms': 37.0} 1
8252 9.0 40.0 30.0 52.0 11.0 142.0 {‘Longitude': 52.0, ‘HouseAge': 40.0} {‘Longitude': 52.0, ‘HouseAge': 40.0} 0
8253 34.0 15.0 24.0 15.0 37.0 125.0 {‘AveRooms': 37.0, ‘Latitude': 34.0, ‘Populati… {‘AveRooms': 37.0, ‘Latitude': 34.0} 0
8254 9.0 15.0 36.0 35.0 11.0 106.0 {‘Population': 36.0, ‘Longitude': 35.0} {‘Population': 36.0, ‘Longitude': 35.0} 0
8255 34.0 40.0 30.0 15.0 11.0 130.0 {‘HouseAge': 40.0, ‘Latitude': 34.0} {‘HouseAge': 40.0, ‘Latitude': 34.0} 0
